Financial Information Home Page
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Required Financial Transparency
Colorado Revised Statutes, 22-44-304
(Commencing July 1, 2018)
District Adopted Budget-Including Uniform Budget Summary (current and prior two years)
District Financial Audit (current and prior two years)
Please consider the context when evaluating financial transactions. Some transactions may appear improper on the surface but are perfectly normal and justifiable when placed in the proper context. We welcome your questions regarding our financial transactions or records.
District Informational Summary
The Ellicott School District 22 is a rural school district in El Paso County, Colorado. The District owns 80 acres of land, 3 school buildings, and 8 support buildings totaling 219 thousand square feet of building space with a current replacement value of over $42.5 million. The district services 229 square miles of central and eastern El Paso County.
The District provides services for over 1000 students this year and employs over 150 teachers, education support professionals, and administrators. The diversity in the district represents a population with over 68% eligible for the free and reduced lunch program. Ellicott serves the district patrons including students residing at Schriever Air Force Base.
Ellicott School District 22
Home of the Thunderhawks
322 S. Ellicott Highway
Ellicott, CO 80808
Phone: 719-683-2700
Fax: 719-941-7500
Amanda Kobilan, Business Manager
322 S. Ellicott Highway
Ellicott, CO 80808
Phone: 719-683-2700
Fax: 719-941-7500
Chris Smith, Superintendent
322 S. Ellicott Highway
Ellicott, CO 80808
Phone: 719-683-2700
Fax: 719-941-7500