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Food Services

Allergens Notice

Effective: March 16, 2024

Parents and Visiting Adults,
If you have any question about any allergens that may be in our breakfast or lunches, please ask any of the food service staff to provide you any information that you may need to see if any contains the following items: Wheat, Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Crustacean Shellfish, Fish, Eggs, Milk, Soy, and Sesame. You may also contact our Food Service Director, Walter Chisman at

Thank You!
Ellicott Food Service Staff

Late Notice Menu Changes:

Breakfast and Lunch Menus

No post to display.

Breakfast and Lunch Services

Ellicott School District #22 is pleased to provide breakfast and lunch options.

Student Meal Prices

Breakfast and Lunch: Free

Seconds and extras: Cost per item

Meal and Payment Policy

Meals and Costs for Adults

  • Adult Breakfast - $3.00
  • Adult Lunch      - $4.75 ($4.25 w/o milk)

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