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Overdue / Lost Materials

Overdues / Fines

Students receive weekly notices of overdue materials by hand delivery from a library staff member. Fines are assessed as follows:
  • Ellicott Elementary Library – Students are not charged fines for overdue books but checkout is limited at the discretion of the Library Media Specialist as long as a student has overdue books on their account. 
  • Ellicott Middle School Library – Students have a three-day grace period before fines are charged on overdue books. Beginning on day four,the fine is 10 cents per day that school is in session. 
  •  Ellicott High School Library - Students have a three-day grace period before fines are charged on overdue books. Beginning on day four the fine is 10 cents per day on the day’s school is in session.

Lost Materials

Students must pay for damaged or lost items. Damaged items are assessed and charged accordingly. Items that are more than two weeks overdue are considered lost and the student will be charged the replacement cost for the item.

We do not accept replacement copies of the item purchased by the student / parent due to the following:
  • Our copies are library-bound copies purchased from library book vendors and our replacement costs are based on our original cost.
  • We reserve the right to use the replacement cost to purchase a different title if we feel that better suits our needs and collection development.