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Welcome to Ellicott

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Ellicott School District is located approximately sixteen miles east of Colorado Springs. The district covers over 229 square miles of central to eastern El Paso County. The school district is a rural district with a small town feel. The diversity in the district represents a population with over 68% eligible for the free and reduced lunch programs.

Ellicott serves the district patrons including students residing at Schriever Air Force Base. The Ellicott School District is a leading member of the Pikes Peak BOCES. Ellicott Schools are committed to state-of-the-art technology integrated education, continuous improvement, and academic rigor, achievement and growth. The curriculum is aligned to the Colorado Academic Standards.

Ellicott School District’s current pupil enrollment is approximately 1072 students who are served by highly-qualified teaching , administrative, and support staff. Offering education programs for children from preschool through 12th grade on a centralized campus. The District offers free full-day Kindergarten, free half-day Preschool for 3 and 4 year olds, art, music, band, and choir classes.

For students, in preparation for life after high school, we provide the following services:

  • Supplemental Academic Intervention After School, Summer School and Credit Recovery Programs
  • Special Education Services
  • Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)
  • Response to Intervention (RtI) Model
  • English Language Learner program
  • District Challenge Program (Gifted & Enrichment)
  • Art and Music Programs
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Facilitated Student Goal-Setting
  • Guidance Counselors K-12

 Post-Secondary Preparation:

  • Offering 10 Advanced Placement classes at the high school level
  • Provide concurrent enrollment through Pikes Peak Community College and UCCS
  • Area Vocational Program—through Pikes Peak Community College
  • Vocational: business, welding, woodworking